Nice Guys & Gals Finish First
Welcome to Operation Kindness
I’m starting a new feature on the Operation Kindness blog.
Every Friday, rather than a service challenge from me, I’m going to profile someone who is trying to make a difference in the world. Your challenge, then, would be to do what you can to emulate them – to try and follow their lead and example.
So, today’s challenge is even simpler than most – and here it is:
Who do you know that’s kind, gentle, treats others with respect and is trying to make a positive difference in the world? I’d like you to think of who would be the perfect candidate for a Operation Kindness profile post and email all the details you can.
Here’s what I’d like to know about them:
Who are they? I really only need their first name and city and state.
What are they doing? Are they involved in a fundraiser or a charity? In your mind, what makes them kind and gentle? What makes them a nice guy or nice gal? Tell me, and be as detailed as you can. Is there a link to what they’re doing? Please send that, too.
Why do you think they should be profiled?
Where are they making a difference? Is it in their community alone or is it statewide? Nationwide? Globally?
I’m anxious to hear from you! First profile will be Friday, May 22!
To nominate, please email
And thanks for reading today! You are a service rockstar!
It's Cool to be Kind!